Day 9: April 1

Just a bit sad

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed tonight. I have been trying to think about what to write and how to write it for some hours now. I guess I will just let my fingers type and see what comes of it. Tomorrow, we leave after six amazing days in this refugee camp. Six days that […]

Day 9: April 1 Take Action

Day 9 Action: Peacekeeping Force & Genocide Prevention Month

There is so much we can be doing for Darfur, especially right now. Today’s action offers to vey different opportunities, both, I hope, will make a difference for people on the ground. Action 1: Support UNAMID Peacekeeping Force by emailing key United Nations Ambassadors. Recent attacks on UNAMID have left the only line of protection […]

Day 9: April 1

Hunger, Malnutrition and Starvation

This, from dedicated i-ACT follower Carole who has a medical background, will help us all understand the effects of what our Darfuri friends are experiencing. Hunger, Malnutrition and Starvation. Hunger is ‘not enough food’ to satisfy body needs. It results in ravenous hunger, eating nearly anything available and lots of it. Eventually, the body adjusts […]

Day 9: April 1

Pictures from today