What is Camp Darfur (CD)?
An interactive awareness and education event that brings attention to the ongoing genocide in Darfur, Sudan, and gives individuals the opportunity to discover their own power to make a difference. This traveling refugee camp raises awareness and examines Sudan’s Darfur region and its humanitarian crisis – genocide – by placing it in historical context with Armenia, Holocaust, Cambodia, and Rwanda. Camp Darfur empowers communities to raise their voice and take action for the individuals of Darfur.
Here is more information about Hosting Camp Darfur!
Hosting Camp Darfur
Camp Darfur is an opportunity for you and your group to raise awareness, take action and get the rest of your community involved in human rights. We encourage students to learn about each genocide represented and provide a host at each tent to peer educate. We would like you and your group to take the opportunity of having Camp Darfur on campus to create an event that will reach your audience. Have music playing to attract those passing by, offer samples of refugee food, sign teachers or professors up to visit the Camp with their classes. Be creative! AND, don’t forget to have action items that visitors to the camp can take immediately!
Camp Darfur provides:
- Up to FIVE 8×10 Canvas Tents that tell an abbreviated history of genocide: Armenia, Holocaust, Cambodia, Rwanda, and Darfur
- Inside the tents materials include: Timelines, testimonies, photographs, historical facts, banners
- Upon request and in a case-by-case situation, we have DVDs for each of the tents. Camp Darfur must be inside and host groups must provide DVD players, computers or other form to play DVDs.
- A Camp Darfur representative(s) that can show videos and slideshows, give short or more depth presentations, work with the group leaders, and provide ideas of how to optimize CD
- An opportunity to link your community with those who are directly affected by genocide: collect written messages to be delivered to refugees or record video messages for refugees to view
- An opportunity to get more community members to join your club or group
Download this Guide to Planning Camp Darfur!
- If outside, our tents MUST be tied down or they will fly away. Please check with facilities about staking into the ground. If we cannot do this, please provide us with an alternative including sand bags, cement blocks or other secure and heavy objects. Please provide our team with a hammer/mallet for staking.
- If inside, CD includes multimedia that will need 3-4 computers, or dvd/tv players plus electricity. Please let us know if you want this part of the Camp.
- If you want us to do a presentation or Camp Darfur tours, please let us know. You will need to provide a projector and screen if you want to show footage from Darfur refugee camps.
- CD needs one table or shared area for our information
- Will the camp be set up overnight and/or community members be spending the night in the tents? Please check with the appropriate people to make sure this is possible.
- Setting up CD: It takes 1 and ½ hrs with 6-8 volunteers provided by YOU. It takes 2 hours with any less. Please plan accordingly and let us know what time to show up before the event.
- The host group needs to provide volunteers throughout the day.
- Disassembling CD: With 6-8 volunteers this will take one hour, longer with less volunteers.
- Things to have on hand: safety pins, permanent markers for writing messages on the tents, duck tape, hammer or mallet, pens, action items, a sign up sheet for visitors to stay connected to you!
Use this easy Camp Darfur Checklist!
How much does CD ?
When we first began Camp Darfur we were able to travel and display the Camp at no cost to the host group. Unfortunately we now must ask Camp Darfur host groups to cover expenses associated with hosting the Camp. We also ask for a honorarium that helps us continue Camp Darfur and our other programs, such as travel to the refugee camps for i-ACT, creation of multi-media materials for use by any and all groups, and urgent action campaigns. For a specific amount associated with your group hosting Camp Darfur contact Katie-Jay, ktj[at]stopgenocidenow.org, with the location and the length of time you wish to host Camp Darfur.
Sample Media Alert for Camp Darfur
If you have any questions or you wish to host Camp Darfur please contact Katie-Jay, ktj[at]stopgenocidenow.org.