Day 1: June 15, 2009 Take Action

Day 1 Actions: Make Darfur Personal

Every i-ACT, the team asks ourselves how we can create a personal connection between Darfur and the individuals of Darfur and you. How do we deepen your relationship? How do we give you the tools and resources to create the a personal relationship between your community and the survivors of Darfur?

For the next 10 day’s i-ACT Actions will focus on bringing you creative and innovative actions, tools, and resources that bring you closer to the individuals of Darfur but also allow you to build a bridge between your community and Darfur. Please, if you have comments, questions, see an opportunity or want to share an idea that is new or one that has worked for your community, please make comments! We are listening and open.

Today’s Actions:

1. Personally tell five friends about Darfur and invite them to follow i-ACT. Email them, call them, direct twitter them, or send a facebook message. Make it personal. Your relationship with them will be the motivating factor.

2. Join one of our social networks and set your status or send a message about i-ACT8.

3. Mark you Calendar: Join us June 20th, 2009 for World Refugee Day: Real People, Real Needs

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